AOS는 2018년 6월 14일 개정된 알버타 주정부 이민 시스템으로, 기존에 있던 복잡했던 AINP를 하나로 통합해 놓은 시스템 입니다.
체류자격 조건
신청 시점 기준 유효한 알버타의 워크퍼밋을 소지한 지원자 (implied status 또는 restoration status 지원불가)
영어/불어 각 영역별 최소 CLB 4 증명 (NOC 3413직군은 각 영역 최소 CLB 7 증명
학력/근무경력 조건
일반적으로 스터디퍼밋 기간에 일한 경력은 캐나다 경력으로 인정되지 않으나 아래 세 가지 조건이 만족되는 경우 PGWP 소지자의 유급 인턴쉽(Paid co-op) 경력 인정가능
AOS 신청 불가 직군
NOC Code(2018) | NOC Skill Level | Occupation |
0011 | 0 | Legislators |
0422 | 0 | School principals and administrators of elementary and secondary education |
0423 | 0 | Managers in social, community and correctional services |
0432 | 0 | Fire chiefs and senior firefighting officers |
0651 | 0 | Escort agency managers, massage parlour managers |
4031 | A | Secondary school teachers |
4032 | A | Elementary school and kindergarten teachers |
4154 | A | Professional occupations in religion |
5121 | A | Authors and writers |
5133 | A | Musicians and singers |
5135 | A | Actors and comedians |
5136 | A | Painters, sculptors and other visual artists |
1227 | B | Court officers and justices of the peace |
3223* | B | Dental laboratory assistants/bench workers |
4214 | B | Early childhood educators and assistants(only those without certifications as a child development worker(Level 2) or child development supervisor (Level 3(Through Alberta Children's Services - Child Care Staff Certification Office) |
4216 | B | Other instructors |
4217 | B | Other religiouse occupations |
5232 | B | Other performers, not elsewhere classified |
5244 | B | Artisans and craftspersons |
5251 | B | Athletes |
6232 | B | Real estate agents and salespersons |
4411 | C | Home Child care providers |
4412 | C | Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations |
6533 | C | Casino occupations |
6564 | C | Other personal service occupations |
7513 | C | Taxi and limousine drivers and chauffeurs |
8442 | C | Trappers and hunters |
6623 | D | Other sales related occupations |
6722 | D | Operators and attendants in amusement, recreation and sport |
6742 | D | Other service support occupations, not elsewhere classified |
8611 | D | Harvesting labourers |
8612 | D | Landscaping and grounds maintenance labourers |
8613 | D | Aquaculture and marine harvest labourers |
8614 | D | Mine Labourers |
PGWP 소지자 신청불가 직군
Number | Occupational Classification Code | Positions that will not be processed |
Management occupations | ||
1 | 0121 | Insurance, real estate and financial brokerage managers |
2 | 0124 | Advertising, marketing and public relations managers |
3 | 0211 | Engineering managers |
4 | 0212 | Architecture and science managers |
5 | 0213 | Computer and information systems managers |
6 | 0601 | Corporate sales managers |
Business, finance, and administration occupations | ||
7 | 1212 | Supervisors, finanace and insurance office workers |
8 | 1225 | Purchasing agents and officers |
Natural and applied sciences and related occupations | ||
9 | 2113 | Geoscientists and oceanographers |
10 | 2131 | Civil engineers |
11 | 2133 | Electrical and electronic engineers |
12 | 2234 | Construction estimators |
13 | 2252 | Industrial designers |
Trades, transport and equipment operators and related occupations | ||
14 | 7201 | Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations |
15 | 7203 | Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades |
16 | 7236 | Ironworkers |
17 | 7241 | Electricians (excepts industrial and power system) |
18 | 7242 | Industrial electricians |
19 | 7251 | Plumbers |
20 | 7271 | Carpenters |
21 | 7293 | Insulators |
22 | 7322 | Motor vehicle body repairers |
23 | 7371 | Crane operators(except all terrain crane operators) |
Manufacturing and utilities | ||
24 | 9212 | Supervisors, petroleum, gas and chemical processing and utilites |
서울특별시 강남구 논현로176길 14 (신사동 612-1) 6층 / TEL 070.7590.0404 / FAX 02.546.2215
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